Sometimes customers are in need of cash but do not have the time or credentials to borrow at a traditional bank. At Pawn USA, our customers can sell their items for cash on the spot, or they can pledge their item to us as collateral for a 30-day pawn loan.
If you decide to opt for the 30-day loan or pawn loan, you have the option to redeem your item in pawn when you bring the money extended to them for the loan plus the stated interest. If you cannot pick up the item, you can bring in the minimal interest payment to get another 30 days on the loan without losing the item. You have the option to continue paying the interest on or before the maturity date until you choose.
There are several advantages of a pawn loan over a traditional bank loan. First, we do not check your credit or ask for an application. Second, banks typically require several weeks before they can approve you for a loan. At Pawn USA, we loan you money on the spot up to $20,000.00. We are a fast and easy cash lender. Third, we do not report to the credit agency. In the unfortunate event, you cannot pick up your item, we simply sell the item. There are no letters of delinquency or collection calls.
Easy cash is a phone call away. We buy and loan on gold, silver, diamonds, electronics, musical instruments and much more. Pawn USA is the best pawn shop in the area.